Skills Development Levy (SDL) must be paid monthly, and within 14 days after the end of the month for which SDL contributions are due.
Frequently Asked Questions : Skills Development Levy
Who does Skills Development Levy (SDL) apply to?
Skills Development Levy (SDL) is applicable to all employees, whether they are Singapore Citizen/Permanent Resident/Employment Pass/Work Pass holders.
What is the Skills Development Levy (SDL)?
SDL pertains to Singapore's Skills Development Levy. All companies are required to contribute a fee to the skills development fund in the form of
How is Skills Development Levy (SDL) computed?
Skills Development Levy (SDL) is a contribution payable by employers for all employees up to the first $4,500 of gross monthly remuneration at the
Do Singapore Employment Pass holders need to contribute to any social security or skill development fund etc?
Employment Pass holders do not have to make any social security contributions to the Central Provident Fund (commonly know as “CPF” which is only