No. You have to apply for an Entrepreneur Pass (EntrePass) separately. In addition, your application will be subject to review by three government
Frequently Asked Questions : Singapore Entrepreneur Pass
What is the time required to process an Entrepreneur Pass (EntrePass) application?
The Singapore Ministry of Manpower usually takes eight weeks to process an Entrepreneur Pass (EntrePass) application. If further clarification is
What types of business do not qualify for the Entrepreneur Pass (EntrePass) scheme?
Examples of businesses that will not be considered for Entrepreneur Pass (EntrePass) include: Coffee shops, hawker centres, food courts Bars,
What is an Entrepreneur Pass (EntrePass)?
The Singapore Entrepreneur Pass, more commonly known as EntrePass, is a type of visa which is catered towards technopreneurs who are planning to set
What are my chances of getting an Entrepreneur Pass (EntrePass) approved?
Your chances of getting your Entrepreneur Pass (EntrePass) application approved will depend mainly on the following factors: Your ability to
What are the documents required for Entrepreneur Pass (EntrePass) application?
The following documents are required when applying for the Singapore Entrepreneur Pass: Singapore EntrePass application form 8 A copy of
What are the eligibility requirements for Entrepreneur Pass (EntrePass)?
To be eligible for a Singapore Entrepreneur Pass (EntrePass), you must meet the following criteria. 1. The Singapore company must be incorporated
My Entrepreneur Pass (EntrePass) renewal was not approved. How can I run my business now?
If your EntrePass renewal was rejected, you can try to apply for an Employment Pass. Note that all the criteria applicable to the Employment Pass
How long does the EntrePass application approval process take?
Upon the submission of the Entrepreneur Pass (EntrePass) application, it can take about 8 weeks.
How long is the Entrepreneur Pass (EntrePass) valid for?
A newly-issued Entrepreneur Pass (EntrePass) will be valid for a duration of 1+1 years, whereby the EntrePass holder will have to prove the progress
Can you help me draft a business plan for the Entrepreneur Pass (EntrePass)?
Yes, our Entrepreneur Pass (EntrePass) Package includes drafting of the Business Plan. We will require information such as the Applicant Profile,
Do I need to be a shareholder to apply for an Entrepreneur Pass (EntrePass)?
No at the point of application, but you will need to hold at least 30% shares in the company by Year 2.