Obtaining a Business License can vary from a few days to a few weeks. Some of the business licenses require approval from multiple authorities and
Frequently Asked Questions : Singapore Business Licenses and Permits
Which agency grants the business licenses?
This depends on the licence/permit you require. For a full list of businesses that require business licenses or permits, please refer to this
What are the businesses that need licenses?
We have provided an indicative list below. For further details, please feel free to contact us. For running an establishment like a club or
What are the licenses required for a Singapore company?
There are 3 main types of licenses that are applicable for a Singapore company: Compulsory Licences Certain businesses require licenses
Can you assist me with business license application?
We have vast experience in assisting our clients with license applications with various government bodies. For a fee quote, please contact us.
Do I need a license to start a Singapore business?
With certain exceptions, most businesses are not required to have a license to operate in Singapore. The exceptions are: Compulsory Licences: