Paid-up capital is monies paid by shareholders to the Subsidiary to purchase the Company shares, and these monies can be utilized for all company
Frequently Asked Questions : Paid-up Capital
When must I pay the paid-up capital and where?
The issued share capital must be paid-up immediately upon incorporation into the corporate bank account. Companies also have the option to allot cash
What is the minimum Authorised Capital for Incorporating a Singapore Company?
Is there a minimum Authorised Capital for Incorporating a Singapore Company? There is no Authorised Capital requirement for a Singapore company.
What is paid-up capital?
What do you mean by Paid-up Capital? Paid-up capital is the total amount of capital that has been paid in full by shareholders in a company.
What is the minimum paid-up capital for incorporating a company in Singapore?
A Singapore company can be registered with a minimum paid up capital of S$1 (Or its equivalent in any currency).
What is the minimum paid-up capital required for a subsidiary company in Singapore?
Paid-up capital is essentially the portion of shares that the company has issued and received payment for in full. A Singapore company can be
What is the procedure for increasing paid-up capital at a later date?
You will first need to inject the necessary capital into your company bank account and send us a copy of the bank deposit slip showing the capital
What is the legal currency for paid up capital?
The paid up capital can be of any legal currency.
Does the paid-up Capital stay locked in the bank account of the Company?
No, the paid-up capital can be taken out immediately, but the money can be spent only for the business needs of the company.
How to increase the paid-up capital after incorporation? How do I do so?
Yes you can. It is a fairly simple process and involves the following steps: Inject additional capital into the company bank and send us a copy
Can we use non-cash consideration to increase the paid-up capital of our company?
Yes, non cash consideration such as fixed assets can be used as consideration, for as long as sufficient evidence of the valuation of the assets is
How soon can I start using my company’s paid-up capital?
There is no lockup period for paid-up capital. You can start using it for your company needs immediately.