A trademark is a form of property that can be licensed or assigned and confers on the owner the right to prevent others from using it in Singapore as
Frequently Asked Questions : Singapore Trademark Registration
Why should I register a trademark?
Registering a trademark gives the owner rights to enable him to control the use of that particular symbol.
What is a Trademark?
A trademark is a sign or symbol used by a person in the course of business to identify his particular goods or services as distinct form that other
If I register my trademark in Singapore, how can I get protection in other countries as well?
For protection beyond Singapore you will need to apply to the appropriate authority in the country in which you want trademark protection.
If my trademark is registered in Singapore does it give me protection overseas?
No, registering your trademark in Singapore does not offer protection overseas.
Must I register a trademark in Singapore before seeking protection overseas?
It is not imperative to apply for a trademark in Singapore before seeking protection overseas but in order to file an international application under
How long does a trademark registration last?
Registration of trademark is valid for 10 years and indefinitely with subsequent renewals provided the mark is used properly.
How long does the trademark application process take?
If the application is all in order and there are no objections from the registrar, it will take approximately 12 months for the application to be
How many classes of goods and services are there for trademark registration?
There are a total of 34 classes of goods and 11 classes of services. Class 1- 34 are for goods Class 34- 45 are for services You must make