What is the COMPASS Framework?
The Complementarity Assessment (COMPASS) framework is designed to assist employers in choosing highly skilled foreign professionals by providing them with improved clarity and assurance in their workforce planning.
The Ministry of Manpower (MoM) has stated that the objective remains unchanged to ensure that visas for foreign workers are assigned to bridge gaps in the local workforce rather than being used primarily to cut costs.
By using a points-based system, businesses can make informed decisions regarding the qualifications and suitability of potential candidates. Using six criteria, the scoring system assigns 0, 10, and 20 points per criterion, respectively corresponding to “does not meet expectations,” “meets expectations,” and “exceeds expectations.”
In addition to meeting the necessary salary criteria, applicants for the Employment Pass (EP) are required to successfully navigate through this newly implemented framework.
When Will COMPASS Start?
The implementation of COMPASS will take effect on the following dates:
- New applications: From September 1, 2023
- Renewal applications: From September 1, 2024
How Does COMPASS Work?
COMPASS operates by evaluating EP applications based on a comprehensive range of factors related to both individuals and companies.
Four fundamental criteria are used to assign points to applications, depending on whether they meet or surpass expectations:
- Expectations surpassed: 20 points
- Expectations met: 10 points
- Falls below expectations: 0 points
Bonus Criteria
Extra points are awarded to applications that possess skills in high demand or contribute to critical economic priorities, thereby creating valuable employment opportunities for Singaporeans.
What Are the Passing Requirements of COMPASS?
- Must score a minimum of 40 points
- Meet expectations on all basic criteria
Applicants who fail to meet the required points can reach the required total by surpassing expectations or acquiring bonus points.
What Are the COMPASS Exemptions?
Applicants are exempted from COMPASS if they meet at least one of these criteria:
- Minimally earn a fixed monthly salary of S$22,500
- Submit an application as a foreign intra-company transferee under the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) of the World Trade Organization (WTO) or the relevant Free Trade Agreement (FTA)
- Assume a temporary position for a brief duration, like one month

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