Most commonly, business owners will look to set up a company having share capital as a private company (identified through the words ‘Sendirian Berhad’ or ‘Sdn. Bhd.’ appearing together with the company’s name) or public company (‘Berhad’ or ‘Bhd’ appearing together with the company’s name).
The following are mandatory Malaysia Company requirements for companies limited by shares:
- A minimum of two subscribers to the shares of the company (Section 14 CA);
- There must be at least two (2) natural persons with their principal or only place of residence in Malaysia
- The minimum issued and paid-up share capital required is two (2) shares (i.e. subscribers’ shares) at RM1.00 each and the minimum Authorised Share Capital is RM400,000.00 only.
- Having a local Registered office address
- A company secretary who can be either:
- An individual who is a member of a professional body prescribed by the Minister of Domestic Trade Cooperative and Consumerism; or
- An individual licensed by the Companies Commission of Malaysia (SSM)
Both the director and company secretary shall have their principal or only place of residence within Malaysia.
Registration Fees for Authorised Capital
The scale of registration fee for authorised capital starts from RM1,000.00 for an authorised share capital that does not exceed RM400,000.00.
Corporate and Accounting Services
Post incorporation of your Malaysian entity, we will be able to support your business with the following services:
- Company secretarial services
- Annual compliances to the Company registrar
- Provision of Registered Office
- Accounting and Book Keeping Services
- Tax Planning Advisory
- Tax Computation and Filing to the Tax authority
Access and start a company in Malaysia
With in-country specialists armed with a wealth of knowledge on Malaysia’s compliance requirements, Rikvin is primed to take your company there.