In order to make sure that your business goals are accomplished, you need to create a plan of actions that help you move forward instead of constantly putting things off to the next day. When you put off things the next day, it is because your goals are too big and you do not know how to get started. Also, it shows that you have never put forth a real effort before so you are confused about what type of actions to taken. This causes you to forget about your goals and revert back to living a life of mediocrity, wishing that you could be successful.
To help you break out of your bad habits, we have put together a guideline that will provide you with the steps to accomplish your goals. If you are serious about accomplishing your goals this year, these steps will help you cross some of your goals off of your list within the next 90 days.
1. Set S.M.A.R.T. goals
The Problem that many people face in setting up business goals are not very specific and have no timeframe in which they need to be accomplished. These sort of goals are not goals at all. They are wishes that you hope will happen. Goals are not accomplished due to hope. They are accomplished when you create an effective plan of actions that are designed to make sure things happen. Therefore, you take these vague goals that are hard to accomplish and turn them into concrete and achievable plans of action. These are called S.M.A.R.T. goals. These are the type of goals that ensure you create a real plan of action instead of just making statements that you will later forget. S.M.A.R.T. goals are essential to your success because they force you to outline how you turn goals from thoughts into real achievements. In order to better assist you with outlining your S.M.A.R.T. goals, we will define what it means for your goals to be S.M.A.R.T.
- Specific:You need to know exactly what you want to accomplish. Do not just say that you want to be rich. Set a specific number such as $250k to be made this year. This will give you a specific financial number to work towards instead of just aiming for being “rich”.<
- Measurable:Set specific benchmarks that need to be reached and then increase them as they are met. You want to give yourself a goal to work towards, and then continue moving forward, never settling with the results you produce.
- Attainable:Even though you want to create big goals, you want to set goals that can actually be accomplished within 90 days. When these goals are met, they give you the motivation to set even bigger goals to meet within the next 90 days.
- Relevant:You need to set goals that actually help you grow on a personal level and business level. If your goals are outside of what is important to you they will not be accomplished.
- Time-bound:The purpose of setting your goals to be reached in 90 days is that it pushes you to work on the initiatives to accomplish your goals every day. This helps you focus on getting things done, rather than wasting time letting the days slip away.
This is the criteria for what determines S.M.A.R.T. goals. If your goals do not meet the criteria, then you need to redefine them so that they do. When you follow the S.M.A.R.T. goal system, you provide yourself with the ability to actually accomplish your goals instead of putting them off until next year.
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2. Make your goals attainable, break them down into small steps
When you set goals that are huge, you become intimidated when you actually try to do the work to accomplish. This is because you do not know where to begin, causing you to become frustrated and give up.This is why it is important to break your goals down into smaller initiatives that can be done every day to gradually build towards your goal. You have to remember that goals are a process and not a one-time event. They have to be worked towards within the time period you have set for them to be accomplished. When you break your goals down into single steps, you give yourself the motivation the keep going as each step is accomplished. This takes your mind off the magnitude of your goal as a whole and helps you to focus on the smaller initiative that has to be accomplished that day. Before you know it, you have accomplished your goal within 90 days or less.
In order to break your goals down, you will want to write out the steps that will work towards accomplishing your goals. Writing this information down is more effective than keeping it in your head because you are able to see what needs to be done, and mark each step off your list as it is achieved. This acts as positive reinforcement that you are moving closer to accomplishing your goal. Now you have taken a big goal that was a little intimidating and accomplished it within 90 days or less because you broke it down into manageable pieces.
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3. Review your progress
Goals cannot be met unless you are checking the progress of the work that is occurring. This helps to ensure that you are implementing effective actions that help you achieve your goals rather than doing busy work. You could be doing “something” every single day, but you are still as far from meeting your goals as when the day you started. Since you must accomplish your goals within 90 days, you will want to review your progress every 15 days. You will assess what is working and what is not work, and swiftly make the necessary changes so that you get on track to meet your 90-day target.
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4. Become more accountable
You need to make sure that you are doing the work to accomplish your goals. You do not want to be one of those people who set goals only to push them back until next year. This cycle only repeats itself until you have wasted your life away, becoming filled with regret and misery.
If you know that you have a problem with procrastination and lack of accountability, then you need to get an accountability partner. These are people who check on the progress you are making to ensure that you stay on track. It is a lot harder to get away with slacking when you have someone else who is holding you accountable for your actions or lack of actions. You can also make your goals public on social media and encourage your friends on these networks to request updates about your progress. This helps to keep you focus because you do not want to come off as a person who lacks focus and commitment.
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5. Continue pushing forward
You want to accomplish your goals as bad as you want to breathe. This means that your goals need to constantly be in your head. Think about them before you go to bed when you wake up, and throughout the day. You will become obsessed with your goals, needing to do whatever it takes to accomplish them. All the planning in the world means nothing if you are not dedicated to achieving your goals no matter what.
Challenges will come up along the way that will discourage you from continuing to move forward. You have to block these distractions out of your mind and focus on the satisfaction that you will receive from accomplishing your goal. It is easy to quit and go back to living a life of mediocrity. Success requires you to rise above the challenges if you want to live a lifestyle of abundance and freedom.
If you are serious about accomplishing your goals, you will follow this set of guidelines that have been given to you. Everybody sets goals, but only a few people actually accomplish their goals. This is because the majority of people are operating on hopes and wishes, while a few people put together an effective strategy of actions. When you do the latter, you give yourself a high chance of succeeding because you know exactly how your goals will be achieved. You are not guessing and make up different stuff as each day passes by. You have a plan of action to meet your goals and you work your plan until completion.
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