Last afternoon, executives from Rikvin, a Singapore Company Registration specialist, spoke to the 2012 class of the Nanyang MBA Programme at the Nanyang Business School, upon the invitation of the programme’s Career Development Office.
The hour-long talk featured key topics that are of interest to the MBA candidates, many of whom are from India, China, ASEAN, US, Japan, Korea and Europe and plan to work in Singapore after they graduate. Additionally, many of the candidates are in their late 20s and bring with them an average work experience of 2 – 3 years.
The topics covered during the talk include:
- Singapore tax matters;
- Singapore employment pass and Personalized employment pass;
- Internship and taxation;
- What to look for in an employment contract;
- Standard medical benefits in Singapore and
- Singapore permanent residency and CPF.
The talk was followed by a Q&A as well as networking session. Sharing his experience of the session, James Nuben, Head of Tax Division at Rikvin, noted, “The students were very sparked and responsive. As such, we had a very good interactive session on singapore work visa and tax matters.” Ketaki Srivastava, Rikvin’s Work Pass & Singapore permanent residence Specialist agreed, saying, “The students were very invigorated and had many interesting and intelligent questions about working and living in Singapore.”
Commenting further, Satish Bakhda, Head of Operations at Rikvin said, “It was a pleasure to meet the Nanyang MBA candidates. It was a very interesting experience for us to conduct the seminar for them and share our knowledge on salient matters relating to working, living and starting up in Singapore. Moving forward, we will be happy to assist any NTU students should they require any assistance or queries at any time.”
In response to the talk conducted by Rikvin, Grace B L Wee, Director of the MBA Career Development Office at Nanyang Business School, said, “We really appreciate the time you gave to us last afternoon. The feedback from the students has been great and many said that they found the information provided by Rikvin to be very useful.”
Rikvin’s content team includes in-house and freelance writers across the globe who contribute informative and trending articles to guide aspiring entrepreneurs in taking their business to the next level in Asia.