In January 2012, Singapore employment pass (EP) requirements for junior to mid-skilled professionals were enhanced for the second time in six months.
The move aims to create a more level playing field for foreign PMETS (Professionals, Managers, Executives, Technicians) vis-a-vis local PMETs whose salaries have grown over the past few years.
Hence, Q1 and P2 Singapore EP holders must meet the following higher education and salary requirements:
- Q1 EP holders: At least S$3,000 for young graduates from bona fide institutions. Older applicants must command salaries that are commensurate with their work experience and expertise.
- P2 EP holders: At least S$4,500 and possess acceptable qualifications.
Although parties representing small to medium sized business in Singapore are concerned that the move will hurt the republic’s competitiveness, the Singapore government opines otherwise.
In tandem with enhanced Singapore visa regulations, the Singapore government has also enhanced funding into programs that will help drive automation, productivity and innovation efforts such as the PIC Scheme and the iSPRINT program.
Rikvin is confident that by raising the bar, Singapore will continue to attract high caliber professionals who will complement, rather than compete with the local workforce.
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