Mr. Abraham Vergis, former Director at Drew & Napier LLC (one of Singapore’s oldest and largest law firms) has set up Providence Law Asia LLC, a boutique law practice specializing in international arbitration and litigation in Singapore.
The practice currently serves multinational companies as well as private wealth clients. It is adept at international arbitrations as well as courtroom litigations and has handled a variety of contentious work in diverse industries such as finance, oil and gas, aviation, logistics, construction & engineering, IT and entertainment.
Providence Law Asia aims to establish itself as the counsel of choice for complex international litigations and arbitrations across Asia. To that end, it specializes in three core areas namely, 1) international arbitrations, 2) corporate-commercial disputes and private wealth litigation as well as 3) fraud, compliance and criminal prosecutions.
We are proud to have Providence Law Asia as our client. Mr. Vergis is an esteemed lawyer, who is not only well-regarded for his business acumen and practical experience in handling commercial disputes, but has done a lot of good through his pro bono advocacy via the Criminal Legal Aid Scheme (‘CLAS’). – Mr. Satish Bakhda
Explaining his decision to set up a Singapore company, Mr. Vergis, Managing Director of Providence Law Asia LLC said, “Singapore is simply the best place in the region to resolve pan-Asian disputes due to its legal infrastructure and international participation. For example, the Singapore International Arbitration Center is now Asia’s top dispute resolution facility for cross-border disputes. The Supreme Court of Singapore is also widely regarded as a world-class judiciary that is pragmatic and commercial in its approach.”
“In addition, modern Singapore law is a forward-facing and business-sensible legal system that is in step with international commercial realities, and is a worthy alternative to English law or New York law as the governing law for contracts concluded in Asia,” he added.
Commenting on his experience of Rikvin, Mr. Vergis said, “Our experience of Rikvin has been excellent. Team Rikvin provided exceptionally professional and timely advice in the process of setting up my law practice, including handling all aspects of incorporation, accounting, tax and compliance, as well as HR issues. Additionally, Rikvin also handled my corporate website design.”
Mr. Satish Bakhda, Head of Operations at Rikvin said, “We are proud to have Providence Law Asia as our client. Mr. Vergis is an esteemed lawyer, who is not only well-regarded for his business acumen and practical experience in handling commercial disputes, but has done a lot of good through his pro bono advocacy via the Criminal Legal Aid Scheme (‘CLAS’). For his contributions, we wish him and the company the very best and are optimistic that good opportunities will come their way.”
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Providence Law Asia LLC is a boutique law practice specializing in international arbitration and litigation in Singapore. Its areas of expertise include 1) international arbitrations, 2) corporate-commercial disputes as well as and private wealth litigation as well as 3) fraud, compliance and criminal prosecutions. Providence Law Asia has also handled a variety of contentious work in the finance, oil and gas, aviation, logistics, construction & engineering, IT and entertainment industries.
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