Singapore Letter of Consent (LOC)
What is a Letter of Consent (LOC)?
A Letter of Consent (LOC) is an authorization certificate issued by Singapore’s Ministry of Manpower (MOM) that allows eligible LTVP or LTVP+ holders and business owners to work for a Singapore company.
Eligibility Requirements
- A sole proprietor of a business registered with ACRA
- A partner of a business registered with ACRA
- A company director with a 30% minimum shareholding stake in an ACRA registered business.
Since the DP, and in turn the LOC, is tied to the main EP holder, both (DP and LOC) are automatically cancelled on the cancellation of the EP.
Factors that affect LOC Application
Not all LOC applications are approved. LOC applications remains at the discretion of the Ministry of Manpower in Singapore. Every application is evaluated on case-per-case basis by the MOM. Here are some of the factors that affect the application:
- Applicant’s age, salary, citizenship, qualification, work experience and skills
- Applicants job profile
- Availability of local candidates and economic viability of the company in Singapore
If the initial application is rejected, an appeal can be made to address the issues raised by MOM. The processing time to review the appeal application is usually two to three weeks.
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People also ask
- The Pre-approved Letter of Consent (PLOC) allows eligible Long Term Visit Pass (LTVP/LTVP+) holders who are spouses or unmarried children (under 21 years old) of Singaporean or PR to work in Singapore. This new initiative between the MOM and ICA is made available for new LTVP/LTVP+ applications and those currently up for renewal. It simplifies the integration process for them to work in Singapore.
- An employer or appointed employment agent needs to apply for the Letter if Consent.
- Yes, Employer or appointed employment agent can renew letter of consent when your Dependant pass or LTVP is renewed.
- To apply for and receive your Singapore Letter of Consent, we recommend you use a Singapore registered service provider to handle your application. They will handle the entire process for you, and ensure you get your Singapore Letter of Consent as quickly as possible. To qualify for a Letter of Consent, you must:
- Be a Dependant’s Pass holder whose spouse is an EP holder or an LTVP or LTVP+ holder who is married to a Singaporean resident
- Have a valid pass for at least 3 months
- Have been offered a job by a Singapore employer
If you’d like to find out more about how to apply for a Letter of Consent, please read about Letter of Consent.
Need help with your LOC application?
Liaise with a dedicated specialist when you engage us for immigration, recruitment and work visa services. Our licensed specialists will attend to every step of your application thoroughly.