You can check the status of an S Pass by scanning the QR code on it with the SGWorkPass mobile app. This will allow you to check the most updated
Frequently Asked Questions : Immigration & Work Visa
What is an Employment Pass (EP)? Am I eligible for an EP?
The Employment Pass (EP) allows foreign professionals to work in Singapore. It applies to foreigners with recognised qualifications who earn a minimum
What are the Employment Pass (EP) eligibility requirements?
To be considered for an Employment Pass (EP), you must have a fixed monthly salary of at least S$5,000 or S$5,500 in the financial sector and possess
As an EntrePass holder, can I get Dependant’s Pass for my family?
Yes, but EntrePass holders are only entitled to dependant privileges after they renew their passes. EntrePass holders who have met the minimum
How can I get a job visa for Singapore?
You can get a job visa for Singapore by applying for the respective work passes (Employment Pass, EntrePass, Personalised Employment Pass, S Pass, and
Are there any restrictions to move funds between my home country and Singapore?
There are no restrictions for moving funds in and out of Singapore. You should check and consult with a qualified professional in your home country
Will I automatically get an Entrepreneur Pass (EntrePass) if I start a Singapore company?
No. You have to apply for an Entrepreneur Pass (EntrePass) separately. In addition, your application will be subject to review by three government
Why do I need a Letter of Consent (LOC) as a Dependant’s Pass (DP) holder?
Dependant's Pass (DP) holders are not permitted to draw a salary and work in any company in Singapore. Letter of Consent (LOC) holders are not
Why does MOM have a revised fixed annual salary requirement imposed on existing Personalised Employment Pass (PEP) holders?
The Ministry of Manpower (MOM) has raised the fixed annual salary requirement for existing Personalised Employment Pass (PEP) holders to position the
Who is eligible for Child Care Leave?
An employee covered under the Child Development Co-Savings Act (CDCA), is entitled to six days of childcare leave per year until the child turns seven
When can I apply for my Employment Pass (EP)?
You can apply for your Employment Pass (EP) as soon as the company has been incorporated and the EPOL account has been set up (usually 7 -10 working
What is the time required to process an Entrepreneur Pass (EntrePass) application?
The Singapore Ministry of Manpower usually takes eight weeks to process an Entrepreneur Pass (EntrePass) application. If further clarification is